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Arctic Combat
Arctic Combat is a Free-to-play Online Tactical FPS Game with realistic warzone effects and battles based on team/clan
strategic gameplay Involving tactical perks, weapons, and equipment.
Global Server Time
15:25:56 Tue Mar 25 OPEN


[Event] Event Winners - 2nd CBT Events


Attention all Veterans!

This is the Arctic Combat Commander.

Congratulations!! We announce the winners of the 2nd Closed Beta Events!

Thank you for your participation. The following list are the event winners.

* All names are character in-game names.

[Event 1 - Become the top 10 AC Veterans!!]


Server IGN Level
Europe xCRoWnx3 35
Europe AlterEgo 34
Europe Pacatosul 34
Europe Defi667 33
Europe xCoL 32
North America xPASTAx 33
North America Maze 31
North America chaosxspirit 31
North America RifleMen 30
North America Penguin 30

* Winners will be given their rewards from Dec. 13th

* Only players who have created a character by Dec. 13 will receive the rewards.

[Event 2 - Promote to staff sergeant once again!!]

* Winners will be given their special items from Dec. 13th

* Only players who have created a character by Dec. 13 will receive the rewards.

Over and out!

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