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Arctic Combat
Arctic Combat is a Free-to-play Online Tactical FPS Game with realistic
warzone effects and battles based on strategic team/clan gameplay. Arctic Combat is a complete military experience that uses
tactical perks, weapons, and equipment to bring the reality of war to your screen.
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15:25:56 Tue Mar 25 OPEN



The story behind each map will be soon revealed.

Miragge (Default)

The story behind each map will be soon revealed.

Boot Camp

The story behind each map will be soon revealed.

CQB House

The story behind each map will be soon revealed.

Arctic Wind

The story behind each map will be soon revealed.

New York

The story behind each map will be soon revealed.


The story behind each map will be soon revealed.


The story behind each map will be soon revealed.


The story behind each map will be soon revealed.


The story behind each map will be soon revealed.

Quarter Blow

The story behind each map will be soon revealed.


The story behind each map will be soon revealed.

Repair Yard

The story behind each map will be soon revealed.


Chinese Market

The story behind each map will be soon revealed.

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