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Arctic Combat
Arctic Combat is a Free-to-play Online Tactical FPS Game with realistic
warzone effects and battles based on strategic team/clan gameplay. Arctic Combat is a complete military experience that uses
tactical perks, weapons, and equipment to bring the reality of war to your screen.
Global Server Time
15:25:56 Tue Mar 25 OPEN


[Event Winner] Annihilation Mode Event


Attention all Veterans!

This is the AC Commander.


We announce the event winners!

Thank you for your participation. The following list are the event winners.

* Event 1: 
Play the 'Annihilation' mode with a GM or SGM and show you Veteran FPS skills!

* Event Period :
 Jan. 30, 17:00 ~ Feb. 13, 15:00 (GST)

* Rewards : 10,000 Game Points

* Winner:
 150 more Veterans.

* Note
- Check your inventory and receive your reward.

* Event 2

Play the 'Annihilation' mode during the event period and win prizes!

* Prizes

1st place : Supply box (M4 Red Tiger) (5 ea.)
2nd place : Black Ops character (7 days)
Rewards will be given to selected players regardless of servers.

* Winner

Reward Server Character Name

1st place

Supply box (M4 Red Tiger)

EU DiiZzLiikezZ

2nd place

Black Ops character

NA Megatran

* Note
Check your in-game mailbox to receive your reward.


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