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Arctic Combat
Arctic Combat is a Free-to-play Online Tactical FPS Game with realistic
warzone effects and battles based on strategic team/clan gameplay. Arctic Combat is a complete military experience that uses
tactical perks, weapons, and equipment to bring the reality of war to your screen.
Global Server Time
15:25:56 Tue Mar 25 OPEN


[Event Winner] 2013 playtime event. (And 5 more events)


Attention all Veterans!

This is the AC Commander.



We announce the event winners!

Thank you for your participation. The following list are the event winners.



  • Event 1. Play Over 2,013 Minutes and Receive a Gold Edition Weapon!


-  Winner: More than 10,000 Veterans

-  Rewards:
Gold Weapon Coupon (7 days): AC Veterans who played AC for over 1,000 minutes.
Gold Weapon Coupon (Permanent): AC Veterans who played over 2,013 minutes.

** Due to system a system error, a 30 day coupon was given out instead of a permanent coupon.
A notice will be posted when this issue is fixed.

Please refer to
for detailed compensation. We apologize for any inconvenience.


  1. Rewards will be given after the weekly scheduled maintenance (Jan. 30th).
  2. Check your in-game mailbox to receive your reward after the maintenance.
  3. The expiration date is from the date when the coupon is exchanged.



  • Event 2. Who will win the Country Tournament?


Winner: Hypn00 (Forum nickname)

Rewards: 100 W Coins(c )

1. Rewards will be given after the weekly scheduled maintenance (Jan. 30th).

2. Rewarded W Coins are event coins and cannot be traded or gifted.

3. Rewarded W Coins expiration date is 30 days.




  • Event 3. New Year package event


Winner: More than 30,000 winners.

Gold Weapon Coupon (7 days): Veterans who purchased the 7 day package
Gold Weapon Coupon (Permanent)


  1. Rewards will be given after the weekly scheduled maintenance (Jan. 30th).
  2. The expiration date is from the date when the coupon is exchanged.




  • Event 4. Video Contest


Winner: _mE SidE (Email nickname)


M4 Red Tiger Supply Box (1 ea.): All participants

10,000 W Coins (c ): Winner


  1. W Coins will be given on Jan. 30th, 00:00.
  2. Supply Box rewards will be given after the weekly scheduled maintenance. (Jan. 30th)
  3. Rewarded W Coins are event coins and cannot be traded or gifted.
  4. 3. Rewarded W Coins expiration date is 30 days.




  • Event 5. ESL Tournament


Winner: Team eaaazy (and other 7 teams)


M4 Red Tiger Supply Box (5 ea.) & 5000 W Coins (c ): Team eaaazy, energy-Wave

5000 W Coins (c ): Team Fanatic, tHWR, Sausage, CAOVERTAKE, TypO team, eLogic Gaming

- Note:
Rewards will be given after the weekly scheduled maintenance (Jan. 30th). 



  • Delayed event rewards

Event rewards for the following events will be given after the weekly scheduled maintenance next week.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

- Clan Festival, Clan Transfer event


  1. Regarding the clan members that were not properly entered for the Clan Transfer event, individual emails will be sent to the clan masters.
  2. Contact emails will be sent after Jan. 30th (GST).
  3. Previous AC members and applicants without proper screenshots will not qualify for the event.

Over and Out!
The Arctic Combat Headquarters
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