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Arctic Combat
Arctic Combat is a Free-to-play Online Tactical FPS Game with realistic
warzone effects and battles based on strategic team/clan gameplay. Arctic Combat is a complete military experience that uses
tactical perks, weapons, and equipment to bring the reality of war to your screen.
Global Server Time
15:25:56 Tue Mar 25 OPEN


[Event] Clan Festival


Attention to all AC Veterans!    
This is the AC Commander!    
The Clan Festival has started in Arctic Combat and will continue for 2 weeks!    
All Veterans who have joined a clan can participate.   

[Event 1]    
During the event period, gain 200% EXP points!    
* Event Period    
- NA Server: Jan 16 ~ 23, 18:00 ~ 20:00 (GST)    
- EU Server: Jan 17 ~ 24, 18:00 ~ 20:00 (CET)   

[Event 2]     
Clans who have clan match records before Jan. 23 (GST/PST) / Jan. 24 (CET) can receive items
that support their clan.    

All clan members will receive Plant/Diffuse Kit skill (7 Days),
and clan masters will receive Change Clan Mark (1).   

[Event 3]     
During the festival, play clan matches and gain EXP points for your clan to win prizes!    
* How to participate    
1. During the event earn Exp. Points for your clan by playing clan matches.    
2. Rewards will be given according to earned Exp. Points during the event.    
* Participating clans must have over 5 members.    
* Reward    
- Top 3 Clans (Exp. Points) : 200 W-coin(C )    
- Top 30% Clans (Exp. Points) : 20,000 game points    
* Event Period    
Jan 16, 17:00 ~ Jan 23, 15:00 (GST/PST)    
Jan 17, 02:00 ~ Jan 24, 12:00 (CET)    
* Reward Date
Jan. 30 (GST/PST), Jan 31 (CET)   

Over and Out!    
The AC Headquarters    

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