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Arctic Combat
Arctic Combat is a Free-to-play Online Tactical FPS Game with realistic
warzone effects and battles based on strategic team/clan gameplay. Arctic Combat is a complete military experience that uses
tactical perks, weapons, and equipment to bring the reality of war to your screen.
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[Event] Buy Game Sultan EPIN and Get 20% Bonus Coins!


Buy Game Sultan EPIN and Get 20% Bonus Coins!


As we are celebrating the official launch of our new Turkish EPIN vendor Game Sultan, would like to give away 20% additional bonus W Coins to every Game Sultan EPIN purchases that are made from December 20th to December 27th, 2012!


Players who redeem EPINs purchased from Game Sultan during the event period will be eligible to receive extra 20% bonus W Coins from!


  • Event Period: Dec 20th 00:00 ~ Dec 27th 24:00 (GST)
  • Reward Period: December 28th, 2012 (GST)


  • To purchase Game Sultan EPIN:

       - Visit:


  • To redeem the EPIN Code:

       - Visit:

Enter the EPIN code that you purchased from Game Sultan



The bonus coins will be provided on Dec 28th (GST) to all participants.

The bonus coins expire in 30 days after provided and are non-refundable.


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