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Arctic Combat
Arctic Combat is a Free-to-play Online Tactical FPS Game with realistic warzone effects and battles based on team/clan
strategic gameplay Involving tactical perks, weapons, and equipment.
Global Server Time
15:25:56 Tue Mar 25 OPEN


[Event] Event Winner - 1st CBT Events


Attention, AC Veterans!

Here are the winners for 1st CBT ORDERs Events which began in Last CBT.


[Event 1] Become the top 10 veterans!!

Congratulation! All the Winners !

[Event 2] Achieve "Staff Sergeant" this Closed Beta and Next and win a
             special item for Open Beta 

Congratulation! All the winners!

[Event 3] Make your top 5 free to play FPS GAMES of 2012 video!!

[Event 4 - Capture the Moment!!]

Forum Nickname

 - CubeString

 - iStrawBerries

 - Liam

 - wiBr

 - xDesTx

[Event 5 - Assemble your Veteran Troops!!]

The AC Support Team has selected the clans that have won the event,
and will be announced during the open beta.

Over and out!
Arctic Combat Headquarters
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