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Arctic Combat
Arctic Combat is a Free-to-play Online Tactical FPS Game with realistic
warzone effects and battles based on strategic team/clan gameplay. Arctic Combat is a complete military experience that uses
tactical perks, weapons, and equipment to bring the reality of war to your screen.
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15:25:56 Tue Mar 25 OPEN


[Update] 1st Update for New Supplies !!


 Attention to all AC Veterans !!
 This is AC Commender.

We Arctic Combat Headquarters provide new Supplies to the Battlefields.

[New Supplies]

 Mode : Annihilation

* Divided into the AF and RSA, each factor must annihilate the opponent each round

and win by reaching the target score.


Map : Silo


Map : QuarterBlow

Weapon : G36C

 Weapon : AKS-74U

Character : Recon

Gears : Beret C (Helmet)

Gears : Sunglass B (Accessories)

Gears : Google C (Accessories)


Items : Mini Launch Pack

 - Gold Weapon Coupon (7days)

 - 50% Exp Inxrease

 - Gold Bar 5,000

 * From Dec. 13, We Provide 'Limited Edition Pack' & 'Special Launch Pack' from which

  You can get 'Limited Edition Gold Weapon (Lifetime)' !!

 Now, be prepared and join the Battlefield with new supplies !!

 Over and Out!
 Arctic Combat Headquaters.

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